ディズニー・チャンネル スター
「ディセンダント」イヴィ役ソフィア・カーソンの感動的スピーチが話題に! 子どもたちに勇気を与えたその内容って?[動画あり]
ディズニーの人気キャラクターにもし子孫がいたら? という斬新なアイデアから生まれた「ディセンダント」で、「白雪姫」の継母イーヴィル・クリーンの娘イヴィ役を演じているソフィア。ファッションセンス抜群で、「プリンセスになることを夢見る」イヴィを見事に演じている。
そんなソフィアが先週カナダのトロントで開催された「WE DAY」に出席。そのスピーチがとても感動的だったと米TIGERBEATが報じた。
「WE DAY」は、子供達が「自分たちで自分たちが住む世界を、少しでも良い場所にするため、できることをしよう!」と呼びかけるイベント。トロントに住む兄弟が始め、今ではアメリカやイギリスでも行われている、「いじめ」「差別」「環境破壊」をなくそうと話し合い活動する世界的なイベントである。多くの著名人も出席することで知られ、これまでにイギリス王室のヘンリー王子や子役のガテン・マタラッツォらが感動的なスピーチ行ってきた。
Thank You #WEDay 💙 It was my honor to have spoken to 20,000 of my heroes who are changing our world with their greatest weapons: love and education. . . Ps. Full speech on Twitter and Facebook. . . "Can every girl in this room proudly raise her hand? This story is for you… . . Once upon a time, there was a girl named Evie who lived in a movie called Descendants… Behind the magic, the fairytale, and the blue hair, Evie was just a girl who was scared and confused….a girl who was told that she would never be good enough (like many of us feel), a girl who was told that her self-worth was defined by her reflection in the mirror (like many of us do), a girl who felt she just wasn't smart enough…. Until, one day, she picked up a book and changed her life. She learned that: WE are ENOUGH. We must love ourselves, love our differences, love our imperfections. We must believe with our whole heart that no matter who we are, where we come from, or who we love, we are ENOUGH. WE ARE BEAUTIFUL. Beauty, true beauty, lies NOT outside but INSIDE each and every single one of us- and we should never let ANYONE ever define us by any reflection in a mirror, but by the love in our hearts and the intelligence in our minds. EDUCATION, education is our super power. Books and pens are our greatest weapons; and we, we are our own knights in shining armor. Today, let's write our own happily ever afters- where we live our lives, bravely; we educate ourselves, endlessly; dream fearlessly, and fight for our dreams, relentlessly. Because a girl with a dream and an education is a force to be reckoned with. Thank you WE DAY, I am honored to be in the presence of empowered girls that embody the epitome of “girl power”. You are my heroes. Every word that I say, every song that I write, every character that I play is for YOU. You are my inspiration. Can we say this together: WE ARE SMART. WE ARE STRONG. WE ARE BEAUTIFUL. WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE."
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